Santo Domingo
Ave. España, frente al Acuario Nacional,
Santo Domingo Este, República Dominicana

Return Policy
Full refund if canceled 30 days before your reservation date.
Full refund if canceled within 24 hours of making your reservation.

Cancellation Policies
If canceled 15 days after your reservation but before 72 hours, a 50% refund of the amount paid is issued.

Delivery Policies
The camper is delivered at no additional cost to any destination within the National District.
Reservation requires a 30% deposit, with the full payment due 15 days before the scheduled date.

Delivery Restrictions
Check-in: 12:00 pm
Check-out: 2:00 pm

Check-in from 5:00 am incurs a cost of US$25.
Check-out until 7:00 pm incurs a cost of US$25.
Free rate for bookings of 3 nights or more.

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